KADA? 13. rujna – 18. listopada Utorkom od 17:30 CET Vrijeme trajanja: 30 minuta Pridružite nam se utorcima, počevši od 13. rujna, u novom ciklusu webinara koji će se fokusirati na alternativne proteine i mesa na bazi bilja. Naši govornici će podijeliti svoja iskustva tijekom 20-minutnog predavanja nakon kojega će uslijedi 10-minutna Q&A sesija. Registrirajte […]
Pharma e-Symposium: Advancements in Drug Development and Formulation
Pharma e-Symposium: Advancements in Drug Development and Formulation Register September 14, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. EDT | 15:00 p.m. – 17:45 p.m. BST | 16:00 p.m. – 18:45 p.m. CESTSeptember 15, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. EDT | 15:00 p.m. – 16:45 p.m. BST | 16:00 p.m. – 17:45 p.m. […]
On-demand webinar: Comprehensive solutions to new requirements for nitrosamine impurity analysis
An on-demand webinar is now available with Dr. Karl Abele describing the Solvias approach to N‑nitrosamine analysis focusing on two approaches. • The generic quantification of six volatile N-nitrosamines (NDMA, NDEA, EIPNA, DPNA, DIPNA, NDBA between 20-100 ppb) within chemically manufactured APIs and DPs with an LOD of 10 ppb. • And the use of […]
On-demand pharmaceutical impurity webinars
Are you interested in how you can optimize your impurity analysis workflows to obtain greater productivity, sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility to meet increasing regulatory requirements and lower limits of detection? Would you like to achieve all of this, whilst also increasing laboratory efficiency and reducing the cost per sample? If so, then you will find […]
Watch on-demand biopharmaceutical characterization webinars
Biotherapeutics are the fastest growing area in drug discovery, but with this comes additional analytical challenges to ensure their efficacy and safety and the requirement of a toolbox of analytical techniques for their characterization. This series of webinar recordings offers a comprehensive review of the main workflows used to characterize biotherapeutics such as charge […]
Webinar: Native mass spectrometry – a new platform for the characterization of therapeutic targets | December 5
Join us on December 5, 2017 for the last of our 3-part webinar series that covers Invention, Research & Application of Intact & Native Mass Spectrometry for Biopharmaceuticals. In this lecture Prof. Dame Carol Robinson DBE, FRS FMedSci (University of Oxford; President elect of the Royal Society of Chemistry; and founder of OMass) will demonstrate […]