
Improving quality of bacterial culture and oligonucleotides with UV/Vis spectroscopy to accelerate mRNA vaccine production

mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine against infectious diseases. Traditionally, vaccines use a weakened or inactivated form of a pathogen to trigger an immune response. mRNA vaccines, however, enable cells to synthesize a protein that triggers a potent immune response against infectious disease. Manufacturing mRNA vaccines is a complex process that requires highly […]

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New Genesys spectrophotometers – like no other!

Like no other UV-Vis available today, the new GENESYS spectrophotometers will delight you with exceptional performance in a real-world, ergonomic package. Designed with a deep understanding of the challenges you face in your lab every day, the GENESYS spectrophotometers will make doing your job easier than ever before.   Walk-up convenience – modern, simple-to-use touchscreen […]

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