Join us in this 30 minute webinar to understand how Raman spectroscopy can help you to ease analytical bottle neck in Bio pharmaceutical manufacturing. Event details: 9/6/2021, 3:30 PM – 9/6/2021, 4:00 PM Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb Microsoft Teams meeting Speakers: Shailesh Karavadra, Shailesh has over 15 years of […]
On-demand webinar: Comprehensive solutions to new requirements for nitrosamine impurity analysis

An on-demand webinar is now available with Dr. Karl Abele describing the Solvias approach to N‑nitrosamine analysis focusing on two approaches. • The generic quantification of six volatile N-nitrosamines (NDMA, NDEA, EIPNA, DPNA, DIPNA, NDBA between 20-100 ppb) within chemically manufactured APIs and DPs with an LOD of 10 ppb. • And the use of […]
Live Webinar: Lean Manufacturing Practices Using Handheld Raman in Biopharmaceutical Production

Please join us for this 20 min + 15 min Q&A live webinar, where Shailesh Karavadra from Thermo Fisher Scientific, will talk about the Thermo Scientific™ TruScan™ RM Handheld Raman analyzer with TruTools™ embedded chemometrics and how this technology is helping scientists in the biopharmaceutical industry to rapidly perform customized qualitative and quantitative analysis of […]
Poster: Microplastic Analysis with FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy

Goals and Objectives: Develop a methodology for the isolation and analysis of microplastic particles using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy Isolate microplastic particles from solutions using filters that allow direct spectroscopic analysis Determine the size and shape of the microplastic particles using image analysis Identify the type of microplastic using FTIR or Raman spectroscopy by […]
Ensuring product safety and efficacy of alcohol-based hand sanitizers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first revised its hand hygiene guidelines in 2002 to recommend alcohol-based hand sanitizer as a possible alternative to hand cleansing with soap and water for the public and health care personnel. The majority of alcohol-based hand sanitizers contain either isopropanol, ethanol, n-propanol, or a combination of two […]
Food – rheology and extrusion compentium

Welcome to the skilled guide on food rheology and extrusion! Here you’ll find a compendium of useful articles and application notes providing expertise on enhancing food properties via rheology and extrusion. Foods can be structurally complex, incorporating emulsions and mixing solids, liquids and gels into a single product. The information in this compendium can help […]
Life without QC? What could possibly go wrong?

Can you imagine life without Quality Control? Thanks to the meticulous work of laboratory analysts a.k.a. “QC Superheroes”, us mere mortals can take for granted the products we use everyday are safe and meet our expectations. If it wasn’t for our QC Superheroes, this might not be the case! Watch these day-in-the life videos and […]